Here we go again: Putting COVID numbers in context

A disclaimer: COVID-19 is serious. If you don’t take it seriously by following the rather simple alleviation tactics you have available to you (vaccination, mask-wearing, washing hands, etc.), it can kill you. There is a difference, however, between it can kill you and it will kill you, and this is a distinction that is seldom […]

Will the Pfizer and Merck pills move COVID-19 into endemic status?

From my inbox this morning: Pfizer’s pill is the second to show significant effectiveness against COVID-19; Merck also has one that’s waiting for authorization from the FDA. Are these pills the next step toward moving COVID-19 from pandemic to endemic status? A quick definition of our terms might be useful here: A pandemic is a […]

The rise and (hopefully) fall of the Delta variant in the U.S.

NOTE: This post uses several maps from Here are the keys for each type of map: Using the excellent data visualizations on the site, I noticed an interesting “wave” effect as the Delta variant started to take hold in the United States in late spring. The first reports of significant spread of the […]

Our exit strategy is death

Craig Newmark founded Craigslist in 1995. A dozen years later – at which point Craigslist was a senior citizen by venture-capital-fueled Internet standards – Newmark was asked for the umpteenth time, “When are you going to sell your company and cash out?” In other words, what was his “exit strategy?” His response was (more or […]

More fun with numbers and the media

I’ve found USA TODAY’s “Coronavirus Watch” newsletter very useful during the pandemic. But today’s lede is a perfect example of the type of cherry picking I mentioned yesterday: Is there cause for concern? Numbers are going up, right? Well, yes, but how much? “Alaska and Arkansas more than doubled cases in the last week.” Okay, […]