Kamala Harris adds enthusiasm – and hope – to the presidential campaign

Having just discussed polls in my last post, I confess that I’m very interested in what the next few presidential polls show. The results themselves likely won’t match what voters do in November, which was already true before Joe Biden made his decision to leave the race.

Who knows?

Let’s talk about polls. Constructing the methodology for a poll is a very complex endeavor. Since it’s inefficient and expensive to do a poll of an entire population (that’s what elections are for!) multiple times, pollsters come up with a subset of people to survey that, hopefully, represent the overall population in an accurate manner. […]

You can’t always get what you want

I didn’t watch the presidential debate last evening. I already know how I’m voting in November, and I don’t need the additional stress of watching Donald Trump lie, over and over, without anyone calling him out on it. So I didn’t watch and have largely avoided the post-mortem commentary online this morning. However… I am […]


So Donald Trump keeps racking up the “firsts.” First former U.S. president charged with felonies; first one actually convicted; likely will be the first major party nominee for president who is a convicted felon. What a guy! It’s been less than 24 hours since the jury announced its verdict, so the analysis of how Trump’s […]

Laws are not absolute, but the rule of law should be

I broke the law yesterday. I went out to grab some lunch and on the way I found myself going 38 miles per hour. The posted speed limit was 35. According to Section 257.627(16) of the Michigan Vehicle Code (Act 300 of 1949, as amended): A person who violates a speed limit established under this […]