Breaking records (updated)

During the warmer weather, I plan my cycling routes based on the wind direction, trying to minimize headwinds by putting tree lines or other obstacles on the side the wind is blowing from. Now that it’s colder out, I’ve been mostly riding indoors (though the eight days from November 3-10 were beautiful so I rode […]

An unexpectedly nice ride on an unseasonably warm day

Had a great ride today on my bike. I didn’t expect to get another nice, warm day to ride outside, but today was in the low 70s and sunny through the ride. Storms came through later and it’s supposed to get chilly again tonight, but for one October Friday, it was summer again.

Breaking records

Rode 11.95 miles late yesterday afternoon, and it was nice to be able to wear short sleeves and bike shorts again after a few days of insulated gear. Looks like the next few days will be pleasant and unseasonably warm as well so I should be able to get some nice outdoor rides in.