Kamala Harris adds enthusiasm – and hope – to the presidential campaign

Having just discussed polls in my last post, I confess that I’m very interested in what the next few presidential polls show. The results themselves likely won’t match what voters do in November, which was already true before Joe Biden made his decision to leave the race.

You can’t always get what you want

I didn’t watch the presidential debate last evening. I already know how I’m voting in November, and I don’t need the additional stress of watching Donald Trump lie, over and over, without anyone calling him out on it. So I didn’t watch and have largely avoided the post-mortem commentary online this morning. However… I am […]

A dog and pony show and the case for the American Party

There are now about a dozen Republican senators who say they won’t vote to certify the results of the presidential election unless an “emergency 10-day audit” is done of all of the votes cast. This follows dozens, possibly over 100, of Republican representatives in the House saying they will also contest the results. Since it […]

Enough with the conspiracy theories. Where’s the evidence?

There are not 74.2 million Americans who are willing to march in the streets to overturn the outcome of this year’s presidential election. Many Americans are disappointed, even angry, about Joe Biden being elected the 46th president of the U.S. But only a small number of them are still going to Trump rallies (that are […]

Election wrap-up – for now

So Joe Biden will be the next president. I’m not surprised, that seemed pretty much what the end game was even late on Tuesday. I appreciate the work that was done by poll workers, municipal and county clerks, and secretary of state staff members all over the country. As usual, there were few mistakes and […]