Election wrap-up – for now

So Joe Biden will be the next president. I’m not surprised, that seemed pretty much what the end game was even late on Tuesday. I appreciate the work that was done by poll workers, municipal and county clerks, and secretary of state staff members all over the country. As usual, there were few mistakes and […]

No “late surges” or “comebacks”: Elections are not football games

I touched on this yesterday, but since it doesn’t look like we’ll be moving away from mail-in voting any time soon, I think we need to reconsider how presidential elections are covered. A big reason why Trump and his supporters can claim that the election is being “stolen” is because the initial numbers on Election […]

A Very Special Episode ends in a Cliffhanger

It makes sense that Donald Trump, who was a reality television star before we’d even come up with the term, would expect that last night’s episode of “American Nightmare” should have had a nice, clean conclusion at the end. That’s how TV works, right? Except that sometimes we have cliffhangers. They give a boost to […]

A lovely day for an election

I took today off from work. I’ve tried to stay offline as much as possible, because the overload of election news might make my head explode. I will watch the results – however preliminary they are – this evening. But during the day I’ve been avoiding the election, with one significant exception, of course. I’ve […]

‘Twas the night before Election, and all through the house…

Tomorrow is Election Day in the U.S. As with most even-year November elections, there are many federal, state, and local races on the ballot, featuring hundreds of candidates even in a smaller municipality. Of course, most of the attention has been focused on the presidential election, which is also typical. This one is different, though. […]